Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Seriously, She DOES

EDI: "Hello, Commander, and welcome to the Normandy."
Shepard: "What the fuck?"
Miranda: "That's EDI, the ship's AI."
EDI: "I provide tactical advice, and during combat, manage the ship's cyberwarfare systems."
Shepard: "I take it you're programmed as a female?"
EDI: "Yes, Commander, studies have shown that a soothing female voice is more conducive to operations."
Shepard: "No, I meant that your avatar looks like a vagina that opens and closes when you talk. It's a bit distracting."
EDI: "Consider the alternative, Commander."
Shepard: "Talking vaj it is, then. I don't think Joker could deal with another dick in his face."
Joker: "Hey! Commander! Knock it off!"
Shepard: "What are you going to do, break your arm at me?"
Joker: "I could drop you off in the shuttle and strand you somewhere."
(DUN DUN DUNNN foreshadowing!)
Shepard: "Point taken. EDI, don't turn into a talking wang."
EDI: "Aye-aye, Commander."
Jacob: "We spent how much on this asshole? Miranda, did you fuck up Shepard's brain somehow?"
Miranda: "He's always like this. Two years of brainscans, and all we picked up were naked Asari and dick jokes."

Several people on the Gamefaqs board mentioned that EDI looks like a talking vagina.

1 comment:

  1. EDI used to make me uncomfortable, because I've ALWAYS thought that she looked like a talking vagina.
