Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Alternate Shuttle Joke

EDI: "Commander, you should load everyone into the shuttle."
Shepard: "No, EDI, we're too close to integrating the IFF. I want to be ready to go through the Omega 4 relay as soon as it's done."
EDI: "But you really should get into the shuttle and go far away from the ship, Commander."
Shepard: "It's cool. I'm just going to play with Boo the Space Hamster and feed my fish."
EDI: "Anomaly detected. Commander, long-range sensors have detected cake on the planet below us."
Shepard: "Did you say cake? Saddle up, team!"
Joker: "I have a bad feeling about this..."
Miranda: "The whole crew?! You lost the whole crew, and damn near the ship, too?"
Joker: "I know, I know!"
Shepard: "THE CAKE IS A LIE"

The AI misleading the player character with cake, and said cake being a lie, are major plot points of the game Portal.

I first saw the link between GLADoS and EDI thanks to Zoe Dedweth on the Bioware Social Forums.

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