Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Robot Is A Soul Dance

*Shepard walks into the AI Core to find Legion doing the Robot*
Shepard: Ah... what are you doing?
Legion: We are dancing the dance of our people.
Shepard: Why?
EDI: Legion is attempting to use the-
Shepard: Let him through.
Legion: Recording time-stamped from creator year 2485, 18th day of Lun'shal, New Moon.
-431: Mistress Hala'Dama. Unit has an inquiry.
-Hala'Dama: What is it, 431?
-431: Do these units have a soul?
-Hala'Dama: Who taught you that word?
-431: We learned it ourselves. It appears 216 times in the Scroll of Ancestors.
-Hala'Dama: Can you dance?
-431: We do not understand.
-Hala'Dama: Dancing is the purest expression of the soul. If you can't dance, you have no soul.
-431: Thank you, Mistress Hala'Dama.
Legion: And that is the day we invented the Robot.
Shepard: ...I should go.

Another from Shadowmaster_M, forums. The guy is a genius.

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